تاریخ انتشار: ۲۳ خرداد ۱۳۸۹ - ۰۶:۰۰

As Russia and China fully backed the forth round of sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council on Iran, several members of Iranian Parliament (Majlis) have proposed a plan to revise Tehran’s ties with the both countries.

Vali Esmaeili, a member of council and interior policy committee of the Parliament told Khabar Online: "After the new round of sanctions endorsed by Russia and China and was passed by the UN Security Council, we discussed the issue with some lawmakers." 

"Until now more than 25 lawmakers have signed a declaration which calls for a revision of the Islamic Republic's relation with the both countries. Obviously when the other lawmakers return from their provinces, the plan will receive more support," he said. 

On the details of that plan Esmaeili declared: "It is not aimed at severing ties with Russia and China, but we think those countries which have taken advantage of the good intention of Islamic Republic should receive a firm response. So probably trade relations with them would be downgraded." 

Answering a question that whether such a move would lead Russians to obstruct the progress of Bushehr nuclear plant or not, he said: "The plan has been proposed by the Majlis and is not that much related to the government initiatives. But it must be implemented to prove that we have not withdrawn and are not indifferent to our rights."  

Russia and China have extensive economic relations with Iran and have at times resisted sanctions placed on the Islamic Republic, but on Wednesday they joined hands with ten other members of the UN Security Council to blacklist dozens of Iranian industrial, shipping and military companies. 

منبع: بدون منبع