۰ نفر
۱۰ شهریور ۱۳۸۸ - ۰۸:۴۹

Defending his list of candidates for the 10th cabinet, Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: “Although some principlists didn't vote for me, I know that some non-principlists chose me in the latest presidential election.”

According to Khabar Online at the beginning of his comments made yesterday afternoon in Iranian parliament (Majlis), Ahmadinejad pointed out that he is not to disrespect his critics and question their status: "When I saw the line-up of some opponents, I was much convinced that some of my beliefs and ideas are true." 

He referred to the criticisms made by the opponents of his program, the list of his proposed cabinet and rejected their ideas: "Much of the criticisms made were against me and not related to the 10th government. I wish they had made such criticisms beforehand, as they did in the recent presidential election. But in the final analysis we should welcome the ideas of other people, whether in our opinion they are right or wrong. In the latest presidential election the opponents tried to inflict damages on my government, they didn't want to review the works done by the government at all." 

Although Ahmadinejad didn't present a program to Parliament, he spoke about the government's program, "Some of the lawmakers who are trying to criticize the government's program and the 10th government speak as if the country is in a critical condition suffering from dissociation and challenges with a crisis." 

"It's good to criticize the government, I'm not saying that we have no problem, but the situation is not dismal and no social dissociation has occurred. Throughout the world government and people tackle with problems, but compared to the other countries and their difficulties, our problems are much less. So, why should we say that Iranian people have come apart," he said. 

Ahmadinejad added: "Let's see the situation from the other angle. Mr. Ali Larijani (Parliament Speaker) was himself a member of the Revolutionary Guard Corps who then was appointed as the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance. He then was appointed as the head of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Broadcasting (IRIB). He had a cultural viewpoint while he was serving in these two organizations and did several valuable works."

"If we accept this logic that a military figure or a member of Revolutionary Guards Corps cannot serve in the other posts, we will obstruct many ways. The Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance in the ninth government (Hossein Saffar Harandi) was a member of the Revolutionary Guard and he was proud of that," he opined. 

From that moment, the tone of Ahmadinejad's lecture changed as he seemed confused and furious. The Head of Government implicitly referred to what is being said about his relation with Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei (his incumbent Chief of Staff). He pointed to the lectures delivered by the opponents of the general 10th government line-up: "A dear MP came here and insulted me in the most severe manner. I am a self-sacrificer and have suffered many blows. I don't want to remind others of their indebtedness because of those works I have done. Some think that I don't understand and after 30 years of political activities can accuse me. For selecting each of these ministers, I firstly convinced myself and then I tried to find a clear explanation for my choices to present to the God Almighty." 

Accompanied by Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, Ahmadinejad complained that the names of some of his colleagues have been mentioned in a sarcastic way: "It's not correct to mount a rostrum and damage the character of Iranian president. Actually it damages the entire Islamic Republic system and the country. I have become involved in many affairs but nobody realized that it was my idea which was implemented and resolved the problem. But currently at Parliament's tribune many accusations are made against me because some think that I want to win the parliament's vote of confidence at any price. These arguments belong to the time of recent presidential election. Threatening lawmakers and ministers is below the dignity of Parliament, government and any other official entity. We have come to serve people, so what is our crime? 

Following his speech with an aggressive tone, Ahmadinejad said: "Some of our lawmaker friends who cannot respond to our logic in a logical way declare that the president offers the opinion of somebody else. But it's maybe true about the others. I personally decide and if it was not true, I couldn't stand the world powers."  

برای دسترسی سریع به تازه‌ترین اخبار و تحلیل‌ رویدادهای ایران و جهان اپلیکیشن خبرآنلاین را نصب کنید.
کد خبر 16042

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