۰ نفر
۱۲ تیر ۱۳۹۰ - ۰۸:۳۸

A member of the Principalist fraction of Iran's Majlis (Parliament) Hamid Reza Katouzian said although President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has crossed several lines, but the Principalists resisted him only when he faced Velayat-e Faqih (rule of jurisprudent).

Speaking to Kabar Online correspondent, Katouzian who is the head of the Majlis energy commission explained why after Ahmadinejad didn't attend his office for 10 days, the Principalists began to criticize him. 

 "They finally realized that Mr. Ahmadinejad has already crossed several red lines and it's regrettable that they confronted him simply as he resisted approving the decree issued by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei not sooner," the lawmaker said. 

"Of course there's no doubt that all officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran should adhere to Velayat-e Faqih, but they should also react to the illegal actions taken by the government, instead of remaining silent" he added. 

Formerly the resignation of Iran's Minister of Intelligence Heydar Moslehi over a dispute with Ahmadinejad ignited a row at the level of country's top officials. The resignation was approved by Ahmadinejad, but Ayatollah Khamenei who has the final say in all matters of the Islamic Republic reinstated Moslehi and backed him to carry out his duty. 

Referring to number of such criticisms made against Ahmadinejad administration, Katouzian who sits for Tehran in the Majlis said: "The most notable characteristic of Mr. Ahmadinejad and his cabinet is that they don't believe in expertise and do not employ collective wisdom. Such an approach has led to the current administrative condition. Likewise those who serve as the president advisers have not proved farsighted. 

He believes the Principalists should have made their criticisms without ceremonial behavior and fear of domestic and international problems the country has faced with. 

In the other part his remarks, Katouzian pointed to the issue of subsidy reform plan and followed: "Some were claiming it's an issue of national security, but actually the political climate should enable the elites to raise their questions and make their criticisms." 

The lawmaker was among those who earlier this month expressed their disapproval of the appointment of Mohammad Ali Abadi, a political aide of Ahmadinejad as the managing director of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC). Katouzian said Ali Abadi has no experience or expertise in the oil and gas fields. Ali Abadi is the former vice president in charge of physical education who later became the head of Iran's Olympics Committee. 

برای دسترسی سریع به تازه‌ترین اخبار و تحلیل‌ رویدادهای ایران و جهان اپلیکیشن خبرآنلاین را نصب کنید.
کد خبر 160661

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