۰ نفر
۱۲ آذر ۱۳۸۸ - ۱۵:۲۸

Subsidy reform bill was submitted to the Guardian Council by the Majlis (Iranian Parliament) after the entity did not approve the idea of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on establishing a special fund rather than a transparent account for the government to implement the subsidy cut plan.

The Majlis Speaker, Ali Larijani asserted: "The Majlis has finished observing subsidy reform bill and has issued the final decision." 

responding to a point made by the MP from the city of Salmas, Ali Akbar Aqaei on sending the bill to the Special Committee of Majlis, Larijani said: "Earlier there was a doubt on submitting the bill to the Special Committee but the members of the committee declared they have not suggested considering the bill. Then it was submitted to the Guardian Council." 

Aqaei referred to the clause 17 of the Majlis rule book and pointed out that the main responsibility of making such decisions is on the one who takes the chair of the special sessions: "During the consideration process of subsidy reform bill, Mr. Abu Torabi who at that time was in chair decided to refer the bill to the Special Committee for further observation, ..." 

Interrupting his remarks, Larijani responded the MP that the point is not valid in this case, "The Majlis has made its decision on the issue of subsidy bill and simply there was a doubt about an attached clause which had been notified in a letter. Mr. Abu Torabi decided to refer it to the Special Committee for the final decision," he stated. 

Larijani went on to say: "We asked the Special Committee whether such a doubt occurred during the consideration process or not and we found out that it was not so. The issue was only raised during an unofficial meeting. So we submitted the bill to the Guardian Council." 

برای دسترسی سریع به تازه‌ترین اخبار و تحلیل‌ رویدادهای ایران و جهان اپلیکیشن خبرآنلاین را نصب کنید.
کد خبر 28156

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