۰ نفر
۵ بهمن ۱۳۸۹ - ۰۰:۴۴

It seems the talks in Istanbul ended Saturday with no agreement, no feasible achievement, no any common ground on any subjects, and because of that, no further meetings were set.

Mohammad Reza Noroozpour:

It seems the talks in Istanbul ended Saturday with no agreement, no feasible achievement, no any common ground on a subjects, and because of that, no further meetings were set.

 For US and its allies, the mantra is not far from this approach, however for the other side, the talks already was a success as far as the place of negotiation is concern.

While none of western countries were pleased on the place of negotiation, Iran could bring the talks to a more friendly location which is geographically, psychologically and politically closer to him. Even for the first time, religiously the place of the talks was very considerable for Iran. This was already proved when Los Angeles Times last month wrote:

the choice of Istanbul as the location for the next meeting appears to be a compromise. The United States and its European allies had resisted meeting this week in Istanbul, arguing privately that the Turks were not a neutral party but had taken Iran's side.

It is true. Iran has been successful to draw the western started game on depriving his basic right to have clean nuclear energy to its own ground. G5+1 are afraid of Iran's possible decision not attending to any meeting in western counties anymore.

Meanwhile the more United States and its European allies don't like the strengthening role of Brazil and turkey in Iran's nuclear issue, Iran intently tries to pool the attention of other universal players to the point.

It is another main success for Iran which is not welcomed by western countries. They have known that Iran is taking the most advantages of its military power in the region, the worst situation of US and NANTO forces in Afghanistan and the financial and economical crisis in western countries. They are all good and suitable basis Iran has benefited them to keep on his own programs for promoting his nuclear technology.

What it makes the US and its allies more furious is the ineffectiveness of the sanctions against Iran. The other problem of the G5+1 is the obvious reality that Iran has come to a point that not being afraid of any military threats, neither from the US, nor from the Israel.

The situation of the region and the world had made his enemy to understand that everything is going to be only handled through negotiations. Even in this phase Iran is going the upper hand. Tehran has showed that there is not supposed to sit behind the table in a way that western countries dictate him, but Somehow that its national rights and dignity respected.

Iran has learned many lesson from the whole his long past history of dealing with western countries. Trough all these bitter past experiences with Great Britain, Russia, US and even France, Iran never saw any companionship, honesty and sympathy from his national rights. So how could Iran trust them, while hundreds of available political documents show his past reliance and trust to the western countries has been betrayed?

Then it's not strange why Tehran is trying to make his own alliance with partial newly flourishing country like Brazil or a strong, influential Muslim country like turkey, instead of abandoning his destiny to the countries who not only be on his side when he needed them but have been always in the hostile position and traitors.

Answering to these questions is very vital for US allies? Why don't they do something to make Iran trust on them? What they have done to prove they deserve being trusted by Tehran? 46


برای دسترسی سریع به تازه‌ترین اخبار و تحلیل‌ رویدادهای ایران و جهان اپلیکیشن خبرآنلاین را نصب کنید.
کد خبر 125724


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